Tips for Breast Surgery Recovery

Dr. Tag wants your breast surgery recovery to be as smooth as possible. If that’s you, or if you’re considering breast surgery at U Plastic Surgery + Aesthetics, then you’ll want to hear this. Any surgery takes a toll on your body and your mind. It’s not always comfortable. But breast surgery patients in Owings Mills or the greater Baltimore area can all benefit from following Dr. Tag’s tips. 


Listen To Post-Surgery Instructions

After your breast surgery (and we cannot stress this enough), follow Dr. Tag’s instructions. You’ll likely have a list of dos and don’ts. It’ll include how to care for your incisions, what medications to take, and when to come back to our Owings Mills office for follow-ups. Stick to your plan to avoid complications. Don’t lift anything heavy, rest often, and don’t be shy about asking questions. 


Real R&R (We Really Mean It, Too)

Rest is one of the most important parts of your recovery after breast surgery. You have to take it easy! For the first few days, don’t do anything too strenuous. Your body needs time to get better, so listen to it. Light walking is fine, but don’t try to hit any new PRs in the gym or on the field. Getting enough rest will help you bounce back faster. Dr. Tag recommends setting up a comfortable space at home with everything you need within arm’s reach. Relax, rest, and let your body heal properly!


Compress To Impress

Wearing a compression garment after breast surgery helps cut down swelling and supports your healing process. Dr. Tag will provide a garment. He’ll tell you how long you should wear it each day. Sticking with this routine is important, as the garment keeps your breasts in the right position and promotes better results. Plus, it helps you feel more comfortable as your body heals. Make sure it fits snugly but not too tight. If you have any concerns about how it feels, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at U Plastic Surgery + Aesthetics.


Monitor for Any Signs of Complications

We know it’s cliché. But it’s cliché for a reason: listen to your body during your recovery. While swelling and some soreness are normal, there are certain things you just can’t ignore. Look for increasing redness, unusual warmth around your incision, excessive swelling, or drainage that looks concerning. If you develop a fever or feel something isn’t right, contact Dr. Tag and our team right away. It’s always better to ask questions than to wait. The sooner we know about a problem, the quicker we can act to take care of it. 


Don’t Let Pain Put You Down For The Count

Managing pain is a must during your post-surgery recovery. Dr. Tag will prescribe medication to help with discomfort, so take it as he directs. Over-the-counter pain relief may also be an option, but check with our U Plastic Surgery + Aesthetics team first. Applying cold packs can help with swelling. But please don’t apply them directly to your skin. Rest and don’t overexert. That’ll keep pain under control. If your pain increases or something feels off, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Tag for advice.


Tips for Breast Surgery Recovery

Hype Up Your Hydration

Eating well and drinking plenty of water can help you recover, too! After surgery, your body needs plenty of good nutrients to heal properly. Focus on protein-dense foods. Think lean meats, eggs, and beans. Protein supports tissue repair. Fruits and vegetables filled with vitamins and antioxidants are also helpful. Don’t forget to drink lots of water during the day to stay hydrated. Stay away from salty or processed foods. Why? They can contribute to swelling. A healthy diet and proper hydration help your body heal faster and leave you feeling better overall during recovery.


Get Some More Vitamin Z

Who doesn’t need more sleep? If you thought you needed some extra zzzs before, you definitely need some when recovering from breast surgery. Dr. Tag advises sleeping on your back. As best you can, elevate your upper body to reduce swelling and pressure on your chest. Feel free to use extra pillows or a wedge pillow to help support your position. Don’t sleep on your stomach or sides. That might strain your breasts. Setting up a cozy space with pillows and blankets is also a good idea to make resting easier throughout the day. 


Caring For Your Scars

Tending to your scars properly can help them heal more completely. Plus, it can help them become less noticeable over time. Once your incisions are fully healed and Dr. Tag gives you the go-ahead, you can use silicone sheets or scar creams to improve their appearance. These products hydrate your scars and promote healing. Be sure to protect your scars from the sun! Sun exposure can darken them. Wearing sunscreen or covering up the area when you’re outdoors is important. 


Your Inner World During Recovery

After breast surgery, you might notice several different emotions. You might feel excited, nervous, or even anxious as your body heals. Give yourself time and be patient with the process. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to someone you trust or reach out to the team at U Plastic Surgery + Aesthetics for support. Surgery is complicated, and recovery isn’t always a straight line. Surround yourself with positivity, and remember that healing takes time. Celebrate small victories and focus on the long-term benefits of your surgery.


Tips for Breast Surgery Recovery

Recovery That’s Easy For U

U Plastic Surgery + Aesthetics has cosmetic and aesthetic options just for you. To find out more about how our Owings Mills & Baltimore team can help you, go here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tag