Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals with Body Contouring

Body contouring procedures are customized to fit your goals, from eliminating excess pockets of localized fat to removing sagging, deflated skin.

These techniques define and sharpen the contours of your body while tightening underlying tissue and revealing your most flattering shape.

Types of Body Contouring Procedures

The most popular body contouring surgeries are:

  • Tummy Tuck—Abdominoplasty removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen, leaving a flatter, firmer tummy area.
  • Liposuction—This procedure suctions excess fat cells out of the treatment area. It is highly versatile and used on many face and body areas.
  • Mommy Makeover—This comprehensive approach to rejuvenating your body post-baby allows you and Dr. Tag to develop a custom set of procedures to tone, tighten or enhance your areas of concern.

Anyone can have excess fat and skin after weight loss, so we can adapt body contouring procedures for anybody, regardless of gender.

Those who have been pregnant will sometimes seek out body contouring because of the way pregnancy has changed their bodies. Dr. Tag ensures you know your options when you meet with him for a body contouring consultation.

Candidates for Body Contouring

Some qualities of a body contouring candidate include:

  • Realistic about what the procedure(s) can and cannot achieve
  • Non-smoker or willing to quit weeks before surgery
  • In good overall health (healthy enough to undergo surgery)
  • At or near an ideal weight that has also been stable for some time

In addition to those factors, Dr. Tag will assess whether the issue you want to address or the physical characteristic you wish to change falls within our practice's capabilities of body contour.

Body Contouring Questions

Learn If You're a Candidate for Body Contouring

Get in touch with the U Plastic Surgery + Aesthetics team to arrange a one-on-one consultation. Dr. Taghizadeh is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and will help you decide if body contouring is right for you.

Visit our Baltimore office—we provide beautiful aesthetic results to people across Maryland and all over the nation.